Legal address

Immediately obtain an address at Y-PARC

Secure a foothold at Y-PARC with business domiciliation services.

Benefit from a personalized mailbox, connections with various actors in the ecosystem, and access to meeting rooms.


  • Postal address (personalized mailbox).
  • Mail forwarding (twice a week) or the provision of a key for the mailbox.
  • Privileged networking with higher education institutions and regional public administrations.
  • Access to meeting rooms (subject to availability).

Grille tarifaire (price in CHF/month)

Business domiciliation HEIG-VD projects
Under development
Start-ups and companies in creation
Intended to join the Y-START incubator
Companies in the process of establishing
(preceding a lease, deed of sale and softlanding)
"Virtual" companies
Without a concrete establishment project
First 3 Months Free Free CHF 40 CHF 40
From 4th Month Free Free CHF 40 CHF 105
From 7th Month Free CHF 40 CHF 105 CHF 170
After 1 Year CHF 40 CHF 105 CHF 170 CHF 250

Write to us or request eligibility

    Y-PARC Swiss Technopole is dedicated to hosting technological activities in Research & Development, industrial production, and training that complement the ecosystem.

    Each application for establishment is reviewed by an eligibility commission, which ensures that the proposed on-site activities meet the criteria of the Plan Partiel d’Affectation (PPA).

    To verify your eligibility, we invite you to contact us or submit your application by completing the form available below directly. You will receive a response within 30 working days.