Custom-Made Premises
Adapted to Your Needs

Premises for rent

Set up your offices, workshops, or laboratories ranging from 30 m² to over 8,000 m² in one of Y-PARC’s buildings, at the heart of an innovation ecosystem. You will find flexible, customizable spaces tailored to your needs to best support your growth.

Y-PARC Swiss Technopole is dedicated to hosting technological activities, particularly in research & development, industrial production, and training programs complementing the ecosystem. Ensure the eligibility of your business before signing any lease agreement.

Write to us or request eligibility

    Y-PARC Swiss Technopole is dedicated to hosting technological activities in Research & Development, industrial production, and training that complement the ecosystem.

    Each application for establishment is reviewed by an eligibility commission, which ensures that the proposed on-site activities meet the criteria of the Plan Partiel d’Affectation (PPA).

    To verify your eligibility, we invite you to contact us or submit your application by completing the form available below directly. You will receive a response within 30 working days.