
An incubator for tech start-ups

You have a project? Join Y-START to make it real! Located in the heart of Y-PARC, the Y-START incubator offers an ideal environment during the first steps of your project and supports you in transforming your ideas into reality.


Y-START offers to its start-ups an exclusive access to experts in different fields and entrepreneurial topics. Most of our experts are serial entrepreneurs who understand the ups and downs of a start-up's life. Not only they have a local network, but they also have an international one. They offer spot mentoring to solve specific problems. Themes covered by our experts: prototype development and design, business plan/model, R&D finance, fundraising, industrialization (with Business Angel and funds), business development, gaming, marketing in Switzerland and abroad, communication (press release), sales cycle, valuation, acquisition, cyber security, design thinking, e-commerce, pitch, storytelling, governance, organization of boards of directors, intellectual property, human resources, insurance, accounting, creation of a corporation, taxation, legal, contract, etc.
Y-PARC Incubateur
Y-PARC Incubateur

The missing link

Created in 2011 by Y-PARC SA with the support of its economic and academic partners, Y-START incubator is the link between the world of research and industry.

Y-START is a technology and generalist incubator

In accordance with Y-PARC's vocation, the incubator is positioned in the field of innovation and new technologies. Open to any sectors of activities, the richness of the incubator lies in the diversity and complementarity of the skills it hosts. Because at Y-START, we consider differences to be the ideal breeding ground for innovation.
Y-PARC Incubateur
Y-PARC Incubateur

Y-START is a public incubator

Contrary to a private incubator, Y-START does not seek to make its investments profitable in the form of equity investments in start-ups. The incubator has a public purpose: the creation of jobs and added value!


Eligibility criteria

To access Y-START, the companies need to fulfil a certain number of requirements:
  • Less than two years old
  • Registered in the Commercial Register of the Canton of Vaud (or in the process of being registered)
  • Active either in the sectors of the Middle and High Technologies (MHT), or in the Knowledge Industry (KI) according to the commonly admitted definitions
  • Who have a collaboration with a teaching and research institution (IER)


The decision to accept a project rests with an ad hoc Selection Committee which, on the basis of the application file and an oral presentation by the project leaders, decides on the examination of the following criteria:
  • Degree of technical / technological innovation
  • Economic potential (job creation)
  • Relevance of the business model / Financing capacity
  • Capacity / motivation of project leaders

Duration of incubation

The service agreement is concluded for a period of a minimum of 3 months, automatically renewable month to month. However, the presence in the incubator islimited to 2 years, with no possibility of renewal.

Contact us

Write to us or submit your eligibility form.

Check your eligibility

To verify your eligibility, we invite you to contact us or submit your application by completing the form below directly. You will receive a response within 21 days.