
Incyte is about to set up a production plant at Y-PARC

Incyte is about to set up a production plant at Y-PARC and offers new employment and development opportunities in the region.

The Canton of Vaud and the City of Yverdon-les-Bains are pleased to announce the arrival of the international biopharmaceutical company Incyte within the cutting-edge infrastructures offered by the Science and Technology Park, Y-PARC.

Press release of the 07.11.2017

Interview with RTS INFO on the 07.11.2017

Article published in “Le Temps” on the 07.11.2017

Article published in “Bilan” on the 07.11.2017

Article published in “24Heures” on the 07.11.2017

Report of “La Télé” of the 07.11.2017