
ACG Inspection SA inaugurates its new premises at Y-PARC!

Y-PARC strengthens its life sciences sector with the arrival of the multinational company which is already present in more than 100 countries. The company, which is active in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics and food industries, has chosen Switzerland among six European countries. Y-PARC’s ecosystem and the companies already established on the site in its field of activity played a decisive role in the company’s decision making. The company plans to create around 50 jobs in the Science and Technology Park.

Press release of the 08.10.2019

Canal Alpha report of the 09.10.2019

Article from the «24 heures» of the 08.10.2019

Article from «Le Temps» on the 09.10.2019

Article from «La Région» on the 09.10.2019

Article of «L’ Agefi» of the 08.10.2019

Article of «La Liberté» of the 09.10.2019

Article from «Bluewin.ch» of the 08.10.2019

Article from «Swissinfo.ch» of the 08.10.2019